Friday, February 29, 2008

Dodging the DVCS Trainwreak

So what happens when the darcs or mercurial project goes the way of CVS (that is: to bit-heaven)? How do you rescue your distributed repository from legacy-software-land?

Well, the Tailor project provides convertors between different repository formats, even some of the more obscure distributed VCSes. It seems to work in an all-at-once mode, rather than mirroring one live repository in other formats, but it does full history support, so...

There's no harm in picking a bizarre distributed version control system today, if the project stalls, you can always upgrade your repository to whichever system becomes mainstream!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Atlhack distributed version control roundup

Alex writes about the advantages of git, Erik shows us how to configure git to serve over http, Lindsey is using darcs, Drew has been using mercurial for his personal projects (Miru, Yue), and I've been using darcs.

Are there any DVCSes we haven't tried? It seems that Mr Bicking has the full list.