Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Persistent Refactorings

Refactorings are usually one-shot deals, triggered through an IDE, saved, committed, forgotten.

Imagine for a moment though, that your revision control system was aware of refactorings, and recorded the refactoring command itself, not just the source text changes. You (or your IDE) might run this command:

svn refactor pullup myFunction

Which would record the refactoring and which could be used to inform merges with other branches. Everyone loves easier merges of course, but if your automatic merge of two significantly-differently-structured-branches was nearly flawlessness, it would be possible to support two functionally equivalent, but architecturally different branches over a long timespan. In practice you could commit to either branch, and then pull from the other branch, relying on your version control system to refactor your changes so that the merge succeeded.

Why do this?

Perhaps you have a refactoring that reduces code-duplication but makes your codebase less readable, scannable, coherent. In this case you can branch and refactor, ending up with one easy-to-read branch, and one safe-to-modify-without-fear-of-missing-a-copy-pasted-version-of-the-same-function-in-another-module branch. Because the refactorings that we're considering here don't change the code functionally, these aren't really even branches, but simply two views on the same trunk.

What other cases can you see this being handy for?